Thursday 13 August 2009

Dog Barking Problems

Dog Training - 3 Ways to stop Dog Barking Problems

This article looks into a number of reasons for your dogs barking problem and ways to tackle it.

There are a number of different problem behaviours a dog can exhibit; one of the most difficult to handle day to day due to the annoying nature is a dog barking problem. There are a number of reasons that a dog could start barking, and these reasons are important to understand so that the dog barking problem can be dealt with and stopped. The cause of a dog barking is usually set off and triggered by something in the dog's environment.

For instance the dog might be trying to show its dominance over another dog or other animal that is in the vicinity. It could be attempting to make other dogs aware of its territory or it may even be just noisy and barking for enjoyment. Certain dogs have a barking problem because they are not used to being around or socialized with other dogs, and other dogs simply want to get their owners attention to get a favourite treat or more food.

Dealing with the Issue

A large number of dog owners escalate the dog barking problem by offering some sort of reward, even if it is through negative attention. Your dog needs to understand that barking is not an acceptable behaviour and that it will never be rewarded by the owner.

Also when the owner shouts or yells at the dog for the problem barking, the owner is just negatively reinforcing the bad behaviour by giving it attention. If the dog is outside the house and is barking and the owner then lets it in, this then also reinforces the negative behaviour and this will lead to it continuing and getting worse. If when the dog is barking it is approached and comforted and given food or a dog treat to 'calm it down,' this will again reinforce the dog barking problem which will become progressively worse over time.

There are a number of proven methods to training a dog successfully to correct the dog barking behaviour problem. The first one of these is for the owner not to react when a barking issue arises, for instance the dog barking if the doorbell rings or the telephone goes. If the doorbell chimes or the telephone starts to ring, the dog owner needs to just sit still and not react to the stimulus, this then shows the dog that there is no need to be alert or stressed upon hearing these sounds in the future. It will help when training the dog if the telephone and doorbell are regularly operated to get the dog used to hearing the noise, the dog can then see and learn that no reaction is needed as these sounds occur.

If the owner is away from the house and the dog barking problem is occurring a number of methods can be used to stop the dog barking problem from happening. The first is to ensure that the dog has been taken out for exercise regularly and that it has enough toys and items to engage with so that the dog does not become stressed out or bored. If the owner finds the dog has been barking while the owner has been away, then the dog needs to be ignored on returning home, and is only to then be greeted once the dog has completely relaxed and calmed down. When the dog is calm and not barking he needs to be praised and comforted but when he is barking, there needs to be an immediate negative association shown towards the barking, for instance a bark collar or a loud noise.

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